Accessibility Contact Form
Please tell us about any issues you've had accessing our content. We do read these and we're working to improve our site.
Describe the issue
It helps us to know what you were trying to do and why it was difficult or if you weren't able to do it.
I can't get to the page I want to. I use tab instead of a mouse and I can't tab to the report a crime page.
I need the text to be larger so I can read it. I increased the text size in my browser, but now it's overlapping and I can't read it.
Where the issue is
If you can't give us the URL (web address), please describe the page.
The Report form under the Report it now page.
What device and software you're using
It's helpful for us to know what device you're using, if you're using any assistive technology, what the operating system (OS) is and what browser you're using.
Examples of operating systems: Windows 10, macOS 10.13, or Linux Ubuntu 17.10.
Examples of browsers: Edge, Internet Explorer (IE) 11, Firefox 60, Chrome 62.0, Opera 45, Safari 10.1.2
Examples of settings or assistive technology: I set the text size to the highest setting in my browser, I use a screen reader, I use voice recognition software.
If you don't know these things, that's ok, just tell us anything you can.
I use a Mac with the Safari browser and set the Universal Access to never use fonts smaller than 14.
I use Windows with Edge. I changed the Windows colours to give me yellow text on a black background as it’s easier to read.
I use the Opera browser with Windows and I use keystrokes to navigate websites. (I can’t use a mouse at all.)