Keep Safe
Barnardo’s produced some ‘keep safe’ tips as part of their ‘Real Love Rocks’ work with schools. They have kindly let us recreate them here.
- Stick with mates a similar age to you – a good mate won’t ask you to do stuff you’re uncomfortable with.
- If you feel you can’t say no, ask yourself: ‘Am I in a safe situation?’
- If someone offers you something for free, ask what they want in return.
- Listen to your body – a fast, pounding heartbeat and churning stomach are signs you feel unsafe.
- Be careful what personal details – including photos – you give out online, by phone, or in real life.
- Make sure you know where you are going and how to get home. Have credit and charge on your phone.
- Make sure someone you trust always knows where you are.
- Drinking and taking drugs can make you unaware of unsafe situations and you can become a target for people who may hurt you.
Do you know where you’re going and why?
Think carefully about your safety before agreeing to travel anywhere with anyone or accepting an invitation into to someone’s car, room, house or party. If someone offers you a lift or to pay your fare, think carefully about why they are doing it and what they may potentially want from you in return.
Plan your journey to and from home. If you get a taxi or minicab, make sure it’s licensed. Only flag down black hackney carriage cabs from the street.
Don’t accept lifts from someone who has taken drugs or had too much to drink.
In Greater Manchester, if a young person loses their bus fare, they can get a free bus home by showing their IGO card and giving the driver their name and address. This will be challenged if you do it too often, so don’t take the mick!
Think very carefully before going to a house party, hotel or leaving a pub or club with someone you have just met. If in doubt, don’t go!
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